This is our chubby little Kelli at 33 weeks! She was looking very sleepy at first, and was a little shy. Then after some pokes and changing positions; she decided to play. She is SO active and alert! I am just shocked with all the things she does already! She opens her eyes, blinks, sucks, sticks her tongue out, moves her mouth like she's chewing, wiggles her hands around, covers her eyes like she's doing peek a boo, or sometimes it looks like she's rubbing her eyes, she tries to put her thumb in her mouth and also holds the umbilical chord (like it's her wubby or something). She is precious! And chubby!!
We did a little experiment as well. The tech was loving all the stuff she's doing, and said that sometimes when you poke their butts, they will smile. So she found Kelli's butt and the tech and I began to poke and rub that area of my belly. Sure enough (see below) we got several smiles!!!! How cute is that! I might see a little dimple in there as well!
We did a little experiment as well. The tech was loving all the stuff she's doing, and said that sometimes when you poke their butts, they will smile. So she found Kelli's butt and the tech and I began to poke and rub that area of my belly. Sure enough (see below) we got several smiles!!!! How cute is that! I might see a little dimple in there as well!

oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so awesome and amazing. Love the smile.