2008 Re-cap:
We spent the new year settling into our new home in Buda, TX. Sydney had no problem getting used to Texas as she joined a dance class & began making friends in the neighborhood. It helps that we are 2 houses away from the park. The neighborhood is fantastic and we've made good friends with our neighbors. My mom is 1 mile away, which makes for convenient MeMaw visits.
I went with Andy on a trip to London, and after some business we took the train to Paris for a couple of days. It was a great getaway, and my first time away from Sydney! On days Andy had to work, I walked around London, took some tours and even got a cab over to Windsor and toured the castle and town. It was a great experience!
Sydney had her first dance recital in May and her Mona came down from Maryland to watch and have a visit. Then in June my friend Jeannine and her family came in from California to visit, which was alot of fun! That summer I started a playgroup for South Austin families and it grew to 35 families by August, and has remained that steady number since, as we've all become close-knit over the year. In August we took a family trip to the Grand Canyon and drove through several states and saw great places. Sydney has a blast and it was one of the best vacations we've had yet. My playgroup put on a massive donation drive for Hurricane Ike victims and it was very successful. Just a group of moms promoting the event managed to get 2 moving trucks full of supplies out to Houston, and a spot on 3 of our news stations that evening. I also started back at school at the end of August; at TSU, going for a degree in Criminal Justice (minor in forensic psychology). Then in September we found out our prayers had been answered and I was finally pregnant again! After some bumps in the road, we started this pregnancy out very cautiously. As it turns out, it has been my easiest pregnancy yet and I've successfully made it to 32 weeks! We are due with another girl, Kelli Harper, on June 2nd.
Throughout the Fall and Winter, I just put my brains into my studies and running the playgroup. It has kept me very busy, but I love being a student again and have made some amazing, supportive friends through Austin Hill Country Toddlers & Preschoolers. I wrapped up my Fall semester with a 3.5 gpa and am currently 'sporting' straight A's this semester. We'll see if I can keep that up as I near my due date!
Andy is still going full speed with Ciphent. The momentum just keeps building as the company continues to see more success. This year they were named Baltimore's top 5 fastest growing companies! They moved out of the little house that the office was managed in, and into an actual office building. But within the year, even that was too small as the company grew and the number of employees almost tripled. So they have now moved into a very nice office park near BWI airport. Andy travels up there one week a month, but the rest of the time he works out of his office on the first floor here in Buda. That has been nice as we see so much more of him and he gets to be a part of our daily lives. Sydney knows not to interrupt while Daddy's on the phone, but she enjoys the convenience of a mid-day "smoocher" and snuggle from Dad. He also bought a motorcycle and likes to ride around the hill country on nice days. Andy has always liked the wind in his hair, so it suits him perfectly. I havent gotten on the bike with him but maybe a few times, as I've been pregnant on/off since March 2008! So one of these days, we'll get our romantic drive out to the lake together!
We went to New Jersey for thanksgiving, and stayed with Andy's brother Pat and his family. Sydney loved being with her cousins! Then for Christmas, we stayed in Texas and Mona came from Maryland to be with us.
We've begun church again, and were able to find the perfect place. A friend through my playgroup invited us to visit her church. And as we found out, the next door neighbor we had for the previous 6 or 7 months was the lead Pastor there! They never said anything to us, but as it turns out, Fellowship Southwest has been the perfect fit for us. Sydney loves her Sunday school class and friends, and we really enjoy Bob's Sunday messages. We joined in on the weekly Bible study with other families and I joined a Women's Bible study that meets on Monday mornings. We have learned so much about ourselves and are growing from the experience.
Now, in 2009, we are just awaiting the arrival of Kelli into our lives. As the date nears, the more excited we get. I dont think Sydney could be any more excited about a sister! It is all she talks about everyday. Even random strangers at the grocery store, petting zoo, park etc get the entire scoop about her little sister in Mommy's belly. She is SO proud and loves to talk to her, sing to her, give her 'zerberts' and snuggle... and often times, Kelli responds! I cant wait to see the big sister in action once Kelli is here! Sydney already has "plans" for the little one. She has assigned herself many chores such as feeding Kelli, and teaching her how to be a Princess!!
April and May will go by fast! We have 8 weeks left of being just the three of us, so we are getting our fill of fun things to do together before the baby arrives. My birthday falls on Mother's Day this year, and with just a few weeks shy of having my second child, I will have SO much to celebrate.
Andy turns 30 this month, which he's not happy about. I'm not sure why, or even know that HE knows why. But he's not happy about it at all. He's in denial. I dont think he's ready to leave his 20's. I will be turning 29, but in all honesty, cant wait to be 30! What of it?? I already have age spots and lines around my mouth and eyes. My body has been through its share of pregnancies. What "youth" am I hanging onto? haha!! My body has already betrayed me. When I'm 30, at least I'll look my age!
So another gorgeous Spring in central Texas and I'm excited for what it all brings!
you meant to say In june my bestest friend EVER jeannine and her family came to visit...... :)
ReplyDeleteHow exciting you have a blog now! I'll invite you to mine.