Sydney was in school, but we stopped by Chick Fil A because some of our friends were there hanging out after swim practice and I hadn't seen them in forever! (Because of schedules, and since it's my spring break, I wanted to see them and catch up). So we stopped in to chat. Don't mind me... this is really all about Kelli anyway.

Again, I'll just be over here eating worms.
Justing kidding. Kelli was LOVING all that attention! It was hilarious. She just smiled and performed for everyone, I couldn't get over it.

Later we went to the mall to try and find a Las Vegas outfit for Mommy, but I'm not as skinny as I thought I was... so that was no fun. Went and picked up Sydney and went to the store to get milk and veggies (because that's all I'm eating for two weeks). Kelli rode in the car with big sis!

Oh yeah.... while I was at the mall...

Later Jonna came over to do a little photoshoot with Kelli. It was so cute! I couldn't get her pictures up on blogger (because only nerds like J9 know how to do that) but I managed to take one with my camera. She was a really good model for Jonna!

And the tutu Jeanninie made her came in handy! We're going to use the matching ones for both girls when we do bluebonnet pictures in a few weeks. Just waiting for the bluebonnets to sprout up! Probably around or just after Easter!

Would have liked this picture if the focus was something more interesting than a dead plant.
your comments make me laugh. thanks.