Since we got back from Colorado, Sydney has been super cuddly with Kelli (and vice versa). She really missed her. And I will testify that the only person Kelli missed, was her sister as well. There was no dramatic reunion between me and her. Just "oh... Mom... hey." Then her head began spinning around like crazy looking for Sydney.

They laid on the couch together for the entire show which NEVER happens because Kelli gets too antsy and has to move. I've never seen Kelli this snuggly before.

Not the most amazing picure of us. But see? She's like... yeah its mom whatever. Didn't see her for 5 days. what. Look at me though.... MY BABYYYYYY!!!!!! MY SWEEET, CUTE BABYYYYY!!!!!

Yep, sit in the big girl seat now. What.
(she has so much attitude. she really does)

see? look at all her attitude!

like she owns this place or something.
By the way, do you know HOW many people have stopped me to tell me she looks just like the Full House twins/baby??? I'm counting and now on 8. Eight people.

Wednesday we actually got a peak at Spring! Was so nice outside so I took the girls to Zilker Park after the gym.

Couldn't get a cute picture of Kelli bc every time I stopped the stroller she cried.
So I had to keep MOVING, otherwise Princess Pansy would cryyyyyyyyy.

Man, another crying picture.
Hmmm... 9 mo is proving to be a whiney stage huh.
Here she is refusing to take an afternoon nap (not very uncommon) but I was a little relieved anyway bc I wanted to go to the gym, but I totally acted put-off about it (to a baby, I know)

Friday morning we had to take her for her 9mo follow up well-visit.
She was happily playing in the waiting room!

Big sister was even showing her the truck. All was well.

Until the needles came out.
She even SAW the needle and began crying.
My poor kid! She knows what a needle is!!!! So she had to anticipate the pain before it happened? I felt so horrible. I couldn't look, even though if it happens to ME, I have to see.

She's saying something pretty derogatory to the nurse right now, I'm sure. In her own language.

But she was ALL smiles at Chick fil A 30 minutes later as we put in an order for Sydney's soccer team party and played a little! She even ate some bites of chicken nuggets; big girl!

We were playing peak a boo and she was being SO cute.

After the gym we went to the Circle C HEB and grabbed a few things. Sydney had to check out the live crawfish.


The guy gave her like 4 buddy bucks after Sydney convinced him she needed "more". and She ended up with 6 prizes! How she managed that, I have no clue.
How a kid goes crazy over a cheap sticker with some random number on it?
I have no clue.
i really like kelli's pink sheep bib. And the fact your Dr office has wood floors. posh!!
ReplyDeleteKelli is adorable, such a big girl now. Big personality on a tiny little squirt! I would love to snuggle her.