We have conquered the month of March, our 6th anniversary, a trip to Vegas, Sydney beginning soccer, the weather turning beautiful in Austin, Kelli beginning to walk some more (assisted) and use more words (Mama, Papa, Ninny [for Sydney], Mmmm! [when eating] and Num-Num!), pointing and waving bye-bye, and she also seems to wave at us when she wants more, too. Like when she's out of food, she waves at me and says "num num!! mmm!" and when we're playing "1-2-3 BOOM" on the bed pillows and I throw her, she immediately turns over and waves at me while squealing and smiling like she wants to do it again. So I think waving is also her sign for "more" and "again". Cute! She is a big mush for her Grandpa, too and Daddy makes her smile endlessly- all he has to do is LOOK at her and it's like Kelli has melted into the floor, so adorable. Sydney keeps gaining more words on us and pops out with things like "deceased" and "we need to communicate" or "i drew this on a previous day" etc. She is such a sponge!

Yes, it's time to get gates. PAST-time!!! I can't find the correct ones to fit our stairs, however. Not even online, and I'm afraid I'll order some online and they wont' fit. So I've been checking out all the baby stores and the BRU up north has the one that attaches around banisters. So far she pretty much stays wherever Sydney stays, which is in the living room.

This past Saturday we went up to Waco to visit Gloria and Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred has been deteriorating with Alzheimers and Gloria is truly an ANGEL the way she handles it all and takes care of him. But she is alone and we wanted to treat her to a girls day and pamper her a little, so she felt she had 'some' kind of break and knew she was appreciated by us!! Kelli met her for the first time and loved her!

We stopped in the historical town of Salado and ate at the old country bed & breakfast. Afterwards we walked around an old car show, which was really neat and it reminded me of my friend's son Aidan because I was seeing characters from the movie Cars there! haha

In the car, Kelli took both her snugglies with her right and left hand and tucked herself in. I wish I got a video of her doing this because it was really cute! It was like a little kitten snuggling up to the rest of the litter of kittens and then finally passing out once cozy and comfortable. Squirm, squirm, nuzzle, nuzzle...zzzzzz....

We got to Sterling House where Uncle Fred is staying now and Kelli was SO happy to be out of the car seat, stroller or grips of someone's arms! Can you tell she's been eating carrots? Gloria let her empty her purse. (Kelli likes to empty stuff)

Mom & her brother Fred. He whipped out the red tie for the fancy occassion.

Group photo. Kelli kept trying to grab Wendy's sunglasses on top of her head.

Back home. Kelli emptied MY purse. and some other things (gym bag, school bag) in my closet.

Sunday night we went to my parent's house to help them pack and stage their house (it's on the market again). I was SO tired from being up at 4am for my race that morning, Sydney decides to "tuck" me in. Face and all.

We found VHS tapes. Haha! But she wanted to watch Alice in Wonderland (my favorite!!!! next to Mary Poppins) so we popped it in and I proudly snapped a picture of her interest.

Monday she played with Julia after I had a busy day. They always get into these tiffs about 'who knows what' and usually come running to me with "Julia wont play with me" or "Sydney isn't sharing" etc etc... so we've practiced the form of friendship where you talk it out, hug it out and work it out YOURSELVES!! So I was walking Kelli around the park as they played, heard them squabble and began to walk over there and investigate when all of a sudden I saw this.
Working it out, hugging it out. Julia still seems offended, but they were back on the swings swimming from sharks within seconds.

Can't go a week without pictures of your baby eating.

Sydney & Julia were inspecting the food pyramid and trying to figure out dinner. So dinner became apples, carrots, string cheese and banana bread.

We went to our neighbor's Seder for Passover Monday night. This is Aaron with baby Lily, who just needed her daddy at that moment. It was cute. She wanted the "daddy move". Andy used to have those.

brisket, matzo ball soup, potatoes, broccoli, some delicious apple/cinnamon concoction, and lots of wine = happy crowd. This was my first Seder and I really enjoyed it. I'm really glad we went. And not just for the food and wine, but that was a bonus. I learned a lot.


Kelli has her first cheerios!

Sydney couldn't wait for her pizza to cool off and reached for it, despite me warning her NO, the pan is hot. And she burned herself. It was a bit nasty so she, off course was screaming and I had to put antibiotics on it, wrap it, and ice it. (she milked that for what it was worth the entire night)

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