Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt for the "Strikers"!

After my doctor appointment and spending time studying for my test, Sydney and I got together and sent a birthday card to our sponsored child Limukani in Africa.

She looks like a boy, but they usually make the girls cut off their hair to LOOK like boys because the crime of rape of young girls in those villages is so high. It's so terrible and sad. We sent an extra $20 to hopefully get her some things whether it be a goat for the family or water. We don't get to choose how extra $ is spent, but I hope it goes to something good. For HER.

Meanwhile Kelli was having fun unpacking my purse as usual.

Andy drove home from Dallas and literally 20 minutes later had to coach soccer.

I had gone out and hidden 24 eggs to each could get 3 eggs. So after practice the kids ran around and gathered up their eggs and Veronica put out little fun dips too. So they had some good times, and it was cute.

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