Last night Kelli ate spaghetti (not baby jar kind) for the first time. She ate more ground turkey than Andy & I combined, I think.

She kept shoveling more and more in. It was amazing. First time she'd had ground meat on its own like that, and so much... I was a little worried what the next day would hold for us in the way of diapers. But so far, we're in the clear.

We met Mikey, Carley and mama Carey at Red Robbin today for lunch.
I think she can read my mind bc I got a text from her just as we were leaving the house and I thought, hmmm, maybe I should see what Carey is up to today while we're running errands.
It was weird.
Mikey & Sydney had a blast as usual.
He is ridiculously funny.
I want to be his BFF.

What else to do on a rainy day? After running errands Sydney insisted we invite Julia over. So we did... but that ended up being Sydney going to her house for a couple hours, then Julia came to our house for a couple hours. (Sydney certainly didn't lack any friend-time today). And I got a lot done! While she was over at the Sosa's and Kelli was napping I cut up a ton of veggies for "on the go", cleaned Andy's office, vacuumed, dusted and put some things in the mail.

I don't know why I took the pictures like this. It's like I'm hiding behind the bushes spying on them. (secret agent style)

We (I should say, THEY) got into the mood to bake, so we whipped out all our gluten free baking mixes and made cupcakes and I let the girls decorate them.

I love this picture. Total teamwork. Sydney held the top and Julia got the bottom.

After filling the cupcake papers up, I let them lick the bowl. They had 60 seconds to get in as much as they could with awkward, rubber spoons. I made it a game.

aaaa cake batter loooooove.

Sydney likes to try and sneak frosting into her mouth as she's frosting the cupcake like "ewps, how'd that happen? an entire spoonful of frosting just popped in my mouth. it was so weird mom", I watch her EVERY time.

Kelli ate half of Sydney grilled cheese. And by "ate", I mean "DEVOURED".
seriously. She ate the entire thing.

Now I am *really* worried about diapers.
she's so tiny in the high chair. its cute! she is really digging the "real" food!!