Monday, November 30, 2009

Serve Austin Sunday Homeless Grill Out

Once a month Austin New Church (which is the latest church we've begun attending and so far really like) 'cancels' service. Instead of everyone going TO church service, we all go out into Austin and "be the church" so to speak. So there are many areas that volunteers are needed obviously, especially this season. Some on the radar are park clean ups, cleaning illegal dumping sites, feeding the homeless, visiting retirement homes etc. Sunday Andy and I volunteered at the Homeless Grill Out downtown and served meals to over 300 homeless. (that number has to be wrong, there were so many people there, and the line lasted over 2 hours).

We left Sydney at Grandma's this time around to get a feel for how things worked, but the Dienna kids were there and we saw they put alot of smiles on alot of faces so we'll definitely bring Sydney out next time!

Honestly, it was a humbling experience. To see that many people wait over 2 hours in line, in the rain, just to get a burger and some water. For free. Then walk across the street and sit in line for a place to sleep that night.

Andy and our neighbor Chase handing out water in the line.

This is Austin, you can't NOT have live music!

The kids about to go and hand out scarves! (we're getting a cold front)

Andy's turn on the grill. I was the trash fairy... and let me tell you! Not ONE piece of trash in that parking lot when we left! Mother earth would be proud. I was a good fairy.

Wrapping the night up and serving some of the last people and mingling. A striking food for thought: only two real things seperate us from the homeless.... (1) family and (2) mental health. Those are things we take for granted and don't consider when we judge the man standing on a corner holding a sign. Yeah, he might go spend that money on booze or a bag of heroine? Maybe? Or maybe at McDonalds? Or what about the homeless we see talking on cell phones and we judge them for that? What if that is ALL they had? All we should know, now, is that they wouldn't be in that situation if they had (1) good, supportive family and (2) good, mental health.

Happiness All Around

I was moody this weekend and I don't know why, but how could I keep a frown on my face with all this happiness around me? Hm?

Kelli took a 3 hour nap Sunday morning at Bluebonnet Lane and woke up ALL SMILES.

Then I was noticing how colorful the trees are everywhere, and even saw on the news that our rare weather this year did something to the photosynthesis in the leaves and has actually caused our trees to "go Fall". Do you know how happy this makes me?

The picture doesn't do justice and I wish I took a photo of the trees at the lake, because those were very neat!

Quick Family Trip to Lake House

we stopped for some eats on our way to the lake house this past Saturday... and tried a new restaurant since the Bluebonnet Cafe was too crowded (darn!). This 'bayou' seafood place looked (and smelled) good, so we dropped in. They have a lurker outside... obviously any place that perpetually smells like fried catfish will attract cats.

Hell has frozen!! Andy is petting a cat!!

Found out by the owner that this cat adopted the restaurant (not the other way around) and his name is "Dog".

Andy did a bunch of chores at Bluebonnet Lane, including hanging the hammock. After flipping herself about 5 dozen times, Andy got on and let her climb aboard. It was cute. The weather was perfect!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Elf on the Shelf

Last night Andy read Sydney the "Elf on the Shelf" book that Mona brought her. He said it was a really cute book. Sydney loved it. As usual, this morning I heard Sydney's door creak open and her little footsteps pound over to the staircase. Then I heard her say "Mom? I'm looking for my elf". HAHA!! Usually it's :Mom? Let's snuggle and watch my show! But this morning her elf was the first thing on her mind. She came down the stairs and told me that Santa gave the elf 3 rules (she can't touch the elf, the elf cannot talk to her but she can talk to him, and something else I forgot). Then she said he's a good "hider" but that she's a good "finder" and she's gonna look for him. There he is! She found him sitting on top of the spices in the kitchen (random spot for an elf to take comforts!) Andy said after he closed Sydney's door to her room last night, he heard her start talking to the elf and telling him what she wanted for Christmas. He said it was hilarious. She told the elf goodnight and then it was silent. I love this age! (I say that every year)

Sydney's vitamin regimen. Just like Mommy! However, it takes her like 2 hours to take hers. She doesn't mind the vitamin C ones, but the Usanaminals are not her favorites at all, and those usually take a while. I have to bribe her with chocolate milk or a spoonful of peanut butter or chocolate frosting or something. Poor kid. But I won't lie, I strongly believe the vitamins are a huge part of her improvement.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sydney Van Goh

Yesterday I taught her an easy way to draw a Christmas tree, and since then she's been going crazy with the tree drawings. She drew a couple here for Mona before she left for the airport this morning. She got frustrated that it wasn't perfect and started a new one.

She said it's hard to stay in the lines with a "pine tree" because it's so prickly, then made some dramatic siiiiiiiigh and said "buuuuut I gotta do what I gotta do".

She used her stickers for ornaments. I proudly boast that my 4yo is a neat artist. I'm not very creative, and I'm not really sure Andy ever has been, so I don't know where she gets it from.

Oh Tanumbaum!

How lovely are thy branches! (please ignore her outfit. it was taking her like 2 hours to get her shoes and jacket on and get out the door at 7pm and we finally were like MOVE! and threw a bunch of stuff on her and carried her out)

we had to borrow the 'rent's van this week to tote everyone around. it came in handy for the tree. took Andy a while to tie it up, and the entire time I'm thinking, "I should probably be helping him", but I didn't really offer much in the way of help. I just managed the kids. That's helping, right? I dunno, I kinda feel bad. Getting the tree each year is always a stressful event and he gets pretty impatient, so I keep my distance and laugh inside my head about it. It always makes me think about the Griswald Christmas.

Kelli telling Daddy to hurry up.

He carried that thing in and got it up by himself. I offered to call our neighbor but he ignored me and went about his business, by the time I came back into the hall with my phone, the tree was in. Men. So I went up to get Kelli into her pj's and a clean diaper and heard Andy panic "Sara I need your help! AAAH" and came down to find him pinned under the tree. Turned out everything was okay. He needed me to balance it I guess. I was thinking, maybe a fake tree next year? Haha! It's always so dramatic and stressful getting the tree.

Then I have to sweep up the needles everyday and water the thing. BUT!! its gorgeous and the house smells SO good!!!! I think, maybe worth it.

Trying so hard to get a family photo for the greeting cards. My hair was still wet, Sydney looks like she's tooting, Andy doesn't look impressed. We'll try again.

Wendy shows up for turkey and got her a piece!



Jenny & Doug didn't come this year, Mom & Dad are in the kitchen and I'm taking the photo (incase you're wondering why the table looks so bare)

After 4 servings of turkey and veggie caserole, Sydney wanted some peanut butter.

Sue talking with "the sisters" Susan & Stephanie.

Syd cuddled up with Wendy & Chris. She has a croup-like cough and was milking it for all its worth... though technically she's not really sick.

Kelli snuggled and ready to go home!

Cute moment this morning... for the past couple of days Kelli has grown attached to this little "lovey" blanket with a bear attached. She falls asleep holding it. I find it precious to look at. Sydney wasnt much for lovies or blankeys until she was about 18-20mo.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kerbey Lane Cafe

I wanted to take Susan to Kerbey Lane (another Austin landmark for the tastebuds). It's amazing breakfast food, totally "Austin" and known for the pancakes. Mom came along and challenged her diabetes with the pumpkin pancakes.

Kelli had some teething issues, we tried everything. Her new vibrating strawberry thing is a big hit, but like everything else, it only satisfies her for about 3 minutes, tops.

I knew what I wanted before we even got there. The waiter came by about 12 times to take our order and Mom still wasn't ready. I mean seriously

And she was even looking over the menu during our 35 minute wait at the door!! Woman!

Pulling out my bag of tricks here.

my angel

being a MONKEY outside while my mom pulled the van around for Susan. This illustrates her energy on a minute by minute basis.

that Sonic in the background was my first job in high school. I wore roller skates and everything. it's located on S. Lamar Blvd which is close to downtown, and on Saturday nights I'd get really good tips from intoxicated citizens.

Back at home trying to get the kids to decompress and it's not working. Sydney wants to "play guns" and Kelli wants to watch. Notice the nice 'coin slot'. She ALWAYS has a coin slot, no matter what brand of pants I buy. Please insert 25 cents!

wassup Kelli!

Finally convinced Sydney to go and chill out. She intercepted a package we got that may contain her "achoo baby doll" and she tried to peak and got SUPER excited and I took action and made her find some peace in her room. She made a bed and read books. I walked by and heard her sighing "aaah, nothing like a little relaxation"

Meanwhile, my other special daughter was in her room trying to eat her pants.

Right down Santa Claus Lane!

Sydney knew for 3 days that she'd get to see Santa ... so her patience was wearing thin by dinner. We wanted to wait until Mona got into town so Mona could come with us and share the experience. Well we were at the mall 3 days prior and she SAW Santa and yelled "Hi Santa!!!! IT'S ME SYDNEY!! REMEMBER ME!!!! ILL SEE YOU IN THREE DAYS! DONT FORGET!!! BYYYYYYEE!!" and he said "ho ho ho" or something and she asked "is that all he says? why didn't he say 'hi'". Anyway, fast forward... it was Thanksgiving lunch at her school and my mom had lunch with her, they put on a little show, and that was, apparently, a hoot. My Mom was just excited to make the list of "thankful fors" finally. I pick Sydney up at 3:30pm and she is a ball of impatience until we go to Santa. God forbid we go to dinner first, LORD!! She scarffed down those corn tortillas, cheese and broccoli so fast. We took the elevator down, and it. was. just. not. fast. enough. She could see Santa through the glass.

SANTAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! She was totally stoked! See how shy she is? There wasn't a line either. And since we are "early in the game" she's excited the elves will get to work on her Handy Manny workshop, achoo baby doll, microscope and sports car before all the other kids!

Kell-Bell was a trooper!

We got an awesome photo of the girls!! This Santa was AWESOME! Best Santa we've ever encountered in a mall! I am definitely calling to compliment. He let me snap photos, he sat and talked with Sydney about all kinds of things, played with Kelli, explained the elves to Sydney, talked about vacationing in Florida sometimes (haha!) and told her his favorite cookies. She asked him alot of questions and he just sat there and answered with imagination. He was awesome. Sydney is still glowing from the experience.