How lovely are thy branches! (please ignore her outfit. it was taking her like 2 hours to get her shoes and jacket on and get out the door at 7pm and we finally were like MOVE! and threw a bunch of stuff on her and carried her out)

we had to borrow the 'rent's van this week to tote everyone around. it came in handy for the tree. took Andy a while to tie it up, and the entire time I'm thinking, "I should probably be helping him", but I didn't really offer much in the way of help. I just managed the kids. That's helping, right? I dunno, I kinda feel bad. Getting the tree each year is always a stressful event and he gets pretty impatient, so I keep my distance and laugh inside my head about it. It always makes me think about the Griswald Christmas.

Kelli telling Daddy to hurry up.

He carried that thing in and got it up by himself. I offered to call our neighbor but he ignored me and went about his business, by the time I came back into the hall with my phone, the tree was in. Men. So I went up to get Kelli into her pj's and a clean diaper and heard Andy panic "Sara I need your help! AAAH" and came down to find him pinned under the tree. Turned out everything was okay. He needed me to balance it I guess. I was thinking, maybe a fake tree next year? Haha! It's always so dramatic and stressful getting the tree.

Then I have to sweep up the needles everyday and water the thing. BUT!! its gorgeous and the house smells SO good!!!! I think, maybe worth it.

Trying so hard to get a family photo for the greeting cards. My hair was still wet, Sydney looks like she's tooting, Andy doesn't look impressed. We'll try again.

Wendy shows up for turkey and got her a piece!



Jenny & Doug didn't come this year, Mom & Dad are in the kitchen and I'm taking the photo (incase you're wondering why the table looks so bare)

After 4 servings of turkey and veggie caserole, Sydney wanted some peanut butter.

Sue talking with "the sisters" Susan & Stephanie.

Syd cuddled up with Wendy & Chris. She has a croup-like cough and was milking it for all its worth... though technically she's not really sick.

Kelli snuggled and ready to go home!

Cute moment this morning... for the past couple of days Kelli has grown attached to this little "lovey" blanket with a bear attached. She falls asleep holding it. I find it precious to look at. Sydney wasnt much for lovies or blankeys until she was about 18-20mo.