Kelli defeated me by 4am and ended up in the guest room with me. See how accomplished she looks at 7 in the morning?

We had alot of windows open, so if Kelli hadn't gotten me up (love my proper English?), the Reeds' cat, Tigger, would have. They are out of town and I think Tigger was left out. He must have been STARVING or something because he was clawing to get inside our house, perched up at the front window "meoooooow! meoooooow!". Sydney got so concerned, opened the door and Tigger immediately directed us to go let him in next door. No one answered, so he just followed Sydney around outside. She and Tigger then had a "parade"... Tigger led the "music".

After church we went to lunch with friends, Kristy, Ryan and their daughter Syd's age, who introduced us to a new Indian place. (our new favorite!!! Thank you Nelsons!)

I tried to convince Sydney is was "halloween chicken" (since it was orange)... just like we sometimes make her pancakes "princess pancakes. She didn't buy it. Masala is not her thing.

So funny! This happens alot now! Kelli passes out on the floor all the time while crawling and playing. Three times on Monday, so I began documenting it. It's funny because she talks to her toys and squeals... lets us all know she's still around. But as I'm cooking, putting things away, reading stories to Syd...whatever... I'll suddenly notice the quiet...PANIC... go look for Kelli... and find this. ADORABLE.

She is learning her lesson. She falls asleep protecting her binkie.
haha i'm laughing at her protecting her pacifier!