Last night Andy read Sydney the "Elf on the Shelf" book that Mona brought her. He said it was a really cute book. Sydney loved it. As usual, this morning I heard Sydney's door creak open and her little footsteps pound over to the staircase. Then I heard her say "Mom? I'm looking for my elf". HAHA!! Usually it's :Mom? Let's snuggle and watch my show! But this morning her elf was the first thing on her mind. She came down the stairs and told me that Santa gave the elf 3 rules (she can't touch the elf, the elf cannot talk to her but she can talk to him, and something else I forgot). Then she said he's a good "hider" but that she's a good "finder" and she's gonna look for him. There he is! She found him sitting on top of the spices in the kitchen (random spot for an elf to take comforts!) Andy said after he closed Sydney's door to her room last night, he heard her start talking to the elf and telling him what she wanted for Christmas. He said it was hilarious. She told the elf goodnight and then it was silent. I love this age! (I say that every year)

Sydney's vitamin regimen. Just like Mommy! However, it takes her like 2 hours to take hers. She doesn't mind the vitamin C ones, but the Usanaminals are not her favorites at all, and those usually take a while. I have to bribe her with chocolate milk or a spoonful of peanut butter or chocolate frosting or something. Poor kid. But I won't lie, I strongly believe the vitamins are a huge part of her improvement.
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