I wanted to take Susan to Kerbey Lane (another Austin landmark for the tastebuds). It's amazing breakfast food, totally "Austin" and known for the pancakes. Mom came along and challenged her diabetes with the pumpkin pancakes.

Kelli had some teething issues, we tried everything. Her new vibrating strawberry thing is a big hit, but like everything else, it only satisfies her for about 3 minutes, tops.

I knew what I wanted before we even got there. The waiter came by about 12 times to take our order and Mom still wasn't ready. I mean seriously

And she was even looking over the menu during our 35 minute wait at the door!! Woman!

Pulling out my bag of tricks here.

my angel

being a MONKEY outside while my mom pulled the van around for Susan. This illustrates her energy on a minute by minute basis.

that Sonic in the background was my first job in high school. I wore roller skates and everything. it's located on S. Lamar Blvd which is close to downtown, and on Saturday nights I'd get really good tips from intoxicated citizens.

Back at home trying to get the kids to decompress and it's not working. Sydney wants to "play guns" and Kelli wants to watch. Notice the nice 'coin slot'. She ALWAYS has a coin slot, no matter what brand of pants I buy. Please insert 25 cents!

wassup Kelli!

Finally convinced Sydney to go and chill out. She intercepted a package we got that may contain her "achoo baby doll" and she tried to peak and got SUPER excited and I took action and made her find some peace in her room. She made a bed and read books. I walked by and heard her sighing "aaah, nothing like a little relaxation"

Meanwhile, my other special daughter was in her room trying to eat her pants.
Lindsay's "moon" is always out early too. Its frustrating. Elastic waisted non jean pants SOMETIMES keep it at bay but not always.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of sickened by how clean Sydney's room is. Or maybe im envious. I can keep my house moderately clean but Lindsays room? Ugh she tornadoes through it ever 10 min.
have kelli let me know how tasty those pants were.