Off course she got princess pancakse (and yes my stockings are already hung. shut up)

She only got 3-4 gifts this year (bc her birthday is so close to Christmas, but this scooter thing was the big gift). I had it waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her with balloons tied to it. She was in hysterics over it. Especially because I found a bright pink one.

Memaw & Papa came over for pancakes and coffee. She opened a present from them (new tea party set equipped with "gluten free crumpets!)

3 seconds later we were playing tea party! Memaw & Papa appear too excited about this. Suckers.

How can you say "no" though? I mean, (1) it's her birthday. if you said no that's a major burn and (2) with that cute little voice? especially saying all squeaky "hm? wanna have some tea with me? hm? its gluten free too! yep" (3) lastly, she had it all set out and handed to them before they could even open their mouths. So that answered that. See the look on my Dad's face? Either he's totally bummed he got suckered into tea party or he's just impressed with Sydney's skills in getting her way without arguing. Just being plain charming. I bet he's thinking she could sell some insurance for him in a heartbeat.

we made GF cupcakes and took them to the park to share with her friends!

her friend Mikey's birthday is on the 19th, so they shared a celebration!

Mikey & Saylor are thrashers... totally narley.

I mean seriously? They are 4 years old here... can you imagine the massive crushes girls will have in 10 years? I mean, JUST imagine it. And they will be clueless because they'll just be into their skateboards and cheetos. Just like when they were 4. Men.

Sydney plays coy around Mikey in person, but he's all she talks about at home. We have a stack of cards for him at home that I don't know what to do with. And the other day he brought HER a picture he made her, and she's like "no. I don't want it"... ha!! as if she doesn't spend her days drawing for him! (And Harper too).

This outfit is brought to you by Sydney Eye. I tried to encourage the jean skirt, but she need as much pink in there as possible and her pink tights were dirty.

Three musketeers... at some point, I think that is what they will call themselves in the political arena. Between all of them, and their fiery personalities... they'd make a good political team (or theatrical performance team, maybe?).

We checked the mail on the way home and saw a package from California!!! "is that from Lindsay!??"

the video is way better, but for some reason I can't upload videos on blogger. see: facebook!

This concludes our 4th birthday. My little lady eating her birthday dinner in her birthday suit.
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