Once a month Austin New Church (which is the latest church we've begun attending and so far really like) 'cancels' service. Instead of everyone going TO church service, we all go out into Austin and "be the church" so to speak. So there are many areas that volunteers are needed obviously, especially this season. Some on the radar are park clean ups, cleaning illegal dumping sites, feeding the homeless, visiting retirement homes etc. Sunday Andy and I volunteered at the Homeless Grill Out downtown and served meals to over 300 homeless. (that number has to be wrong, there were so many people there, and the line lasted over 2 hours).

We left Sydney at Grandma's this time around to get a feel for how things worked, but the Dienna kids were there and we saw they put alot of smiles on alot of faces so we'll definitely bring Sydney out next time!

Honestly, it was a humbling experience. To see that many people wait over 2 hours in line, in the rain, just to get a burger and some water. For free. Then walk across the street and sit in line for a place to sleep that night.

Andy and our neighbor Chase handing out water in the line.

This is Austin, you can't NOT have live music!

The kids about to go and hand out scarves! (we're getting a cold front)

Andy's turn on the grill. I was the trash fairy... and let me tell you! Not ONE piece of trash in that parking lot when we left! Mother earth would be proud. I was a good fairy.

Wrapping the night up and serving some of the last people and mingling. A striking food for thought: only two real things seperate us from the homeless.... (1) family and (2) mental health. Those are things we take for granted and don't consider when we judge the man standing on a corner holding a sign. Yeah, he might go spend that money on booze or a bag of heroine? Maybe? Or maybe at McDonalds? Or what about the homeless we see talking on cell phones and we judge them for that? What if that is ALL they had? All we should know, now, is that they wouldn't be in that situation if they had (1) good, supportive family and (2) good, mental health.
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