Shortly after Mom was diagnosed this summer, I found out about this walk and signed up a team and website to do this. So we all got matching shirts, I made pins and we wore matching feather boas and we marched out in downtown Austin to fight diabetes!

They must have known Sydney was coming because they had a moonwalk ready.

And they definitely knew Mom was coming. Hello! Elvis?

right before the walk

off course after the performance of the Lonestar Cheerleaders, Sydney decided she had to get up on stage and "warm up" too.

The show begins! And wouldn't you know... we're last to get started because "where is Mom?"... she's putzin' over by some booths, and Wendy is trying to bribe Sydney off the stage, and Dad is already up ahead of us standing there patiently like "story of my life"...

Kelli had a BALL. she always looked like she was flying. She squealed, laughed, smiled and made bubble sounds the entire time. She had a blast.

Aunt Jenny was driving Miss Daisy over here. Slow down!

He stopped to talk to each officer. "I'll give you $2 for a lift to the finish line"... little does he know an APD officer probably doesn't find that funny with the recent budget cuts and mandatory 2 days leave.

I love Austin for this very reason. All the houses had some kind of unique flavor like this. This, off course was Sydney's favorite {Jenny's too}... but Sydney later opted to rather live at the lake house than the pink and purple one. Wendy was proud of that decision.

Wendy and Syd making the final stretch.

Kelli Belly overheard something about "stop to feed Kelli in the car" and must have understood.

M&D with a nice view of Town Lake (or Lady Bird Lake as they call it now... everything changes but it all stays the same) behind them.

Magnolia Cafe for some vittles afterwards. Yep. Trying to rock a baby to sleep while eating always causes a little mess. Black beans were good though. Sorry Kelli.
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