Friday, October 29, 2010

Boo-da Trick or Treating

Andy & I took the girls, and the neighbors' kids downtown to do some early trick or treating last night. It was a hit. Crowded, but we had some fun. And Sydney loved riding in Mommy's new car! I also loved being able to take all those kids now that I have a 3rd row! Look how cute these two are!!! Julia & Sydney are a fun pair.

I didn't want to risk Kelli freaking out in her costume, so I gave her a free pass this time. She's still the cutest 16mo I ever saw!!! No stroller for this free bird. She held my hand and we walked behind big sis. I should say... she MARCHED around town, because she owns the place. She finally let us carry her when I found a lollipop with her name on it.

Sydney charmed a couple firemen and got a front seat view of the festivities. Then gave us all the beauty queen's wave. What can I say... like father, like daughter.

This belongs in "Awkward Family Photos". Kelli suckin' on her lolly... M&D are posing happily and the eldest child is standing there like "who are these people? where are my real parents?"

As always... I TRY and get a mom/daughter photo with her each chance I can, but she always makes a goofy face or pose or hides her face or gets silly.
When she gets married and its our turn to take a photo together, I'm going to stand next to her like this. Just like this.

Welcome to Sydney's Art Studio

The first floor is slowly turning into Sydney's art studio. She has learned how to use tape, and soon there will be no space on our walls to spare to further creations and imagination. Good thing we have the lake house in development, as there will be plenty of empty walls to fill there this Spring!

Actually, MeMaw is getting in on the action too. You can find her work in our studio among some of Sydney's many pieces. Our famous artist is humble enough to let other guest artists hang their pieces with hers.

Kelli is getting in there, too. That's her zebra. Not bad. But I have a feeling her teacher helped.

Sydney hung these in the hallway between our bedroom and bathroom. She calls it "Sydney's montage". And said it's perfect because it was "just empty space anyways, and now there are colors to brighten up your day and make you smile".

...spilling into the living room.

Meet Stella

I know that it's absolutely pretentious to name your car.
But I love. her.

I had been researching SUVs for a while and knew I'd narrowed it down to a few, but was pretty much sold on the 'Gator bc of all the features (mainly, the seats fold down into the floor, and in others, they don't... that was a winner for me), but it has everything else that all other luxury vehicles had and cost $$$ less. I went down to San Antonio with a family friend last Saturday to test drive the Cadillac, Lincoln, Landrover and Lexus. I was looking at 2010's for most of them. But after all our searching and testing, I was disappointed that not ONE of the 2010 on the lot had all of the features I wanted in ONE package. So the saleman took us upstairs into the garage suggesting I give up my hopes for a black exterior/tan interior. I was sad, but willing to look at a couple silver ones. That's when I spotted her.
She was a 2011. Brand spankin' new. And my friend Janet warned me, but when we saw the sticker price, we were surprised that it wasn't that much $$ than the used 2010. I took a peek inside and the interior was 100x supreme and beautiful than the tan 2010 interiors. I loved her! I wanted her. And we knew we could talk Mark down a few k's. He began opening up some 2010 silver models but I said "uh-uh. I want her." and he said they had literally driven her in from Houston an hour earlier and he'd have to find the keys. Took 30 minutes and he finally did. When I got inside, Janet and I looked at eachother and said "yep". It had everything on the package I wanted. So we went to lunch and developed a plan. Came back, made our deal, shook hands, signed a check and she was MINE!

All of the seats fold down with the push of a button. I love that. And they fold into the floor, so no climbing over them. The seats have seat warmers AND seat coolers! In Texas? That counts. I ordered custom head rests which come in next week. They'll each have DVD/tv mounted into them, and when I drive down for the marathon, I'll drop her off for them to install them. This will be great bc each girl can watch their own show, no arguments or taking turns. With head phone... which means *I* can listen to my music! Yay!
I am still figuring out all the other gidgets and gizmos with navigation and music/sound system, but it's very cool. It also syncs up to my iphone and ipod and is all hands free. Which means I have to learn technology at some point.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Never to conform... I got myself the odd pumpkin. It needed some love. And nothing says sexy like bloody warts, now does it? Yum! That's the look I'm going for here. Just some strategic paint.

Kelli used markers and some paint sponges to do her little pumpkins. And even SAID "pump-in" for the first time.

Sydney did a few of her own, but instead of carving pumpkins... she painted her Van Gohs on a couple white pumpkins. One is a haunted house and one has a cemetery with "spooky people" in it, and there was another one but someone (not me) must have dropped it in the kitchen while moving them outside (not me).

My mom got a cute photo of Kelli and I just before bath time. She really hates baths.
Once she heard the water running... she knew her fate.
She snuggled up next to me like it was the last time. (and I rarely get snuggles from Kelli, so I needed photographic evidence of this event). Love!
I think she thought if she acted cute and sweet, I wouldn't put her cute bum in that water and force her to get clean.
Clean you shall get, Princess!

After picking Sydney up from school, then Kelli... I snapped a photo of my youngest having a good time in the back seat as her big sister makes her giggle.

The latest photo of me. Thanks, Syd.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumkin Patch

It was 2 against 1 (them against me) at the pumkin patch... so it was hard getting a good picture there, plus Kelli is still the kind of kid who likes being held in public places (until she sees Sister doing something that peaks her interest- then suddenly she's fierce and brave). But... I got what I thought were a few keepers this year.

Sydney took this for me!

I have a gorgeous "almost 5 year old"

Nervously wondering if I'm going to leave her or pick her back up.

Aliens & Princess Party

We are opening an art gallery in this house. If you could see, there are pictures & posters taped up on every wall now. Even in our room, downstairs and upstairs. Sydney has been busy drawing, painting and taping all her work up everywhere. Lately its all "spooky theme" so our house can be "haunted" for halloween. But this one was picture-worthy as she explained that she was documenting the events that took place the night before when - wait for it - the aliens came to visit us... and landed in our backyard. That is us on the outside of the ships saying goodbye to them, and on top of our heads are the hats they gave us to wear. They are inside the alien crafts waving goodbye. If you have followed since Sydney was 2, you should know by now that this is their umpteenth visitation. I'd guess in the 60's or so... but that's based on how many times Sydney TELLS us they have visited.

On to normalcy. Julia across the street turned FIVE!!! So she had a little neighborhood snack/tea party and all the girls dressed up as princesses. Sydney was happy as a... well. Happy as Sydney usually is! Which is pretty happy!

They were all SO adorable, I couldn't take it. They all looked so proud in their pretty clothes, walking around looking gorgeous and special!

Texas State

I got to campus early one morning, around 6:30... to study for a morning exam. Got to watch the sun rise over Old Main.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Skeleton Jammies!

Finally catching up on the blog (sorry) crazy life.
Excuse all typos... it's late and I'm ready for bed!
We got the girls matching skeleton jammies that glow in the dark (major hit for Sydney, she wants to wear them every night... Kelli could care less obviously)

Happy to have the remote... and have her way...

Sydney is making herself comfortable as you can see...

Oh snap... someone lost the remote to another person who actually knows how to use it and needed to change the channel without blowing the tv up four times. Sorry Kelli.

Dude. We said we're sorry!