Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weiner Races

Weiner DOG races, that is. It's a HUGE deal in Buda (our small little town)

Sydney's dance team even performed!

Nope, didn't have costume! But they did great!

Picturing Miss Daisy

I mean really? No. REALLY. Cutest. Kid. Ever. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! If only I could have gotten Sydney out there without a huge protest!

Our visit out to the lake...

Almost hit a snafu when we were all halfway there and Andy called and said "did you bring the key to the house?" and I'm driving with Jen and the girls and say "ummmm, no?" and I hear "great. I didn't bring the key either".
But all was relieved when the extra key was found.

Our little lizard friend.

I wanted to show them the flowers but Caitlin said "not now. I'm cleanin'!"

Kelli is taking more steps and standing on her own more... but this is what she does when she gets tired of standing. The bear crawl. She hates it when her knees touch the ground.

They found a catapillar.

Pat & Maddie.
(Sydney had one too many warnings and time outs for bad behavior... so she didn't get to ride the jet ski. She was WAY upset about this!)

She got to go swimming with everyone though.

They were being stalked by a goose.

Kelli's like "I think he's blind, I got the goods over here"

Sydney's first time peeing in the lake!

But then she had to poop, so Andy made her get out and go poop up at the house. haha!

Dead snake. Yep. All 3 adults and 28 kids (so it seemed) had to gather in the road to check out dead snake guts. And I'm thinking, this is about the size of the nasty sucker found in my freakin' kitchen that morning. GROSS!

A "girl song" came on and Syd put on a dance for us.

Kelli got in on some booty shakin'

Pregnant, and anemic... Jen was holding up better than me! I was sooooo ready to go home and go to bed!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Eyes Come

A vegetarian's nightmare. Welcome to the Salt Lick y'all.
Andy's brother and his family came to visit and we all went out for Andy's birthday and loaded up on our protien.

There was a "band" playing and the girls wanted to dance afterwards!

When we got home, they all hand painted some Dora cookies and Sydney kept saying "this is not gluten free for me" and Maddie looked at her like she had 5 heads.

Caitlyn was satisfied with hers and ate it in about 4 bites.

My mom made a gluten free cookie cake as well (so Sydney could join in on the fun ~ and me too!) and as you can see, it barely made it to celebration time!

Can you see the mens' faces. We had to interrupt the NFL draft to sing Happy Birthday Daddy. Such a pain.

The following photos document Kelli & Papa. She LOVES her Papa (and can even say "Papa").

Oh yeah. This. Finally got this out. Aunt Amazing and Uncle Wonderful got Sydney this at that crazy toy store in Breckinridge, CO (on our ski trip like 2-3 mo ago?) and I've been a bit frightened to even know/see/experience this. But I finally submitted to it and we are now growing "sea monkeys". They hatched.
They are freakin' weird.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thank Heaven for Little Girls!!

I stuck around for Sydney's dance class (hour long) per her request, to watch their routines, and Kelli was the center of attention with all the girls. And she enjoyed all that attention, believe me!

Sydney loved showing her off too!

The weather was nice on Wednesday so we went to Southpark Meadows to play, walk around and look for a birthday present for Daddy (again) but all we did successfully was find some fun hills to explore.