We bundled Kelli up and took the girls to gymnastics!

While waiting for Aidan's gym class to be over, we ran over to the Davis farmer's market (cute!) to get some famous (according to J9) kettle corn... and it turned out to be exactly that in my book.

The secret is they mix sugar and salt together in the oil. It was addictive.

We munched on the popcorn while the girls went to their gymnastics class. They were cute!

Sydney was having a BLAST.

Kelli wanted to join in as well and see what this spring board was all about.
Eating and licking apparently.

Then we were off for a 'light' snack at In & Out Burger because Aaron was out to prove to me that their milkshakes are waaaaaaay better than Chick Fil A ones... and well... even though the van seats 8, poor Aaron found out the comfort level stops at 7 really. He's a good sport, and just for that I told him the milkshake was REALLY GOOD. (even though I honestly think its a tie...ssshhhh)

A proud California native, Jeannine is explaining to me the history & menu of In & Out. Then she prompted me to take a tums.

Me & "Aidy" playing peekies. I will do anything to make him giggle & smile though. He has TWO dimples, of which I could stare at all day!

Then off to Sacramento we went! Elvis was there (randomly) singing in old town Sacramento while we walked around the shops and toys stores/candy shops etc. I took this picture... because Mom loves Elvis. No other reason. Sydney was dancing to him until we said she should go up to him and dance WITH him (which she was going to do anyway but since it wasn't HER idea, she pouted and said she was shy all of a sudden.... even though she was still fidgety and trying NOT to dance)

She ran off and began dancing again when she thought no one was looking.

Then we found a candy store where you could try anything marked with a blue sign for free. So she tried a ton of salt water taffy and was in HEAVEN. She knew she didn't like it before she opened each wrapper but just liked the fact that she was getting to go through the store and eat stuff without paying.

We got to the railroad museum and Sydney was super excited. I didn't realize my daughter loved trains so much?????

Actually, it was pretty cool! We saw alot of trains and even toured the inside of a few old ones.

"I'd like ONE ticket to the north pole, please!"... she was having a blast.

LAME. This would have been a cute picture.

Kelli & I taking a little break.

Trying to convince Sydney to pose with me but she reeeeeeeeeally just wants to go look at trains.

The rope is there for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!! She tried to crawl on the sleeper cars' bed and pretend to call for service. Awesome.

Jeannine & Aidan on the sleeper car.

Upstairs in the kid section playing with.... t r a i n s.

She has her concetration face on. She was like a canine, though... if a kid came near her she began growling at them as though they were putting their hands near her dog bowl.
That's normal.

Then! We strolled over to Spaghetti Factory (gluten free menu!!)

plain worms for Lindsay

I cant be pretty in every picture huh.

But notice how she is eating out of the adult plate. I got our food and she wanted me to cut up her spaghetti, so I did. Then she got distracted and I began eating and suddenly she said she didn't like hers and I asked why...
Because she wants hers long and straight like mine. (whiney voice)
So there. I eat the child's plate.
And yes. There was a HUGE difference in taste.

Jeannine ate leaves.

Aidan was flinging noodles at Daddy.
Which I was pretty amused by. (Jeannine wasn't)
But I was.

Kelli Belly felly asleep...y.
(note: she's been a GOOD baby this trip!)

Sleepy Aidy!

We got home and everyone went straight to bed except Sydney & J9.
Somehow J9 convinced Sydney how excited it is to do housework.
I think Sydney just preferred to do that than go to bed.

But either way, Sydney had a ton of fun helping "MissJNine" and was excited to reveal that the next day she'd get to do the floors and windows!
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