we put together a last-minute BBQ at our house on Saturday around 4pm. Mostly neighbors, a few friends from South Austin and my parents and sister & Doug came. This is Cielo from across the street, obviously picture worthy.

Andy making the margaritas

He was between the grill and the margarita pitcher alot.

Cassidy gave me free hands most of the evening, which was great!

Sydney was happy to have all of her friends over! And, off course, showed off her new gown!

My friend Mandy's husband, Allan, may have had more fun with the kids than the grown-ups. It's a toss up. He really was having a good time with the kiddos.

At the end of the evening I found Sydney in our bathroom giving Ceilo a makeover. It was so precious. They were both taking it very seriously.

The dragon (Lucas) was escaping the slayer (Harper)

The big kids later retreated to the fire outside... the white chair in the background is the one i fell backwards on around 11pm. I truly wish it was captured on video. I was sitting there just participating in conversation, about to take a sip of my margarita when all of a sudden I feel the back two legs of the chair weaken. Then, without any saving myself, I'm going backwards and there is nothing I can do. It was all in slow motion, too. And in 2 seconds, my feet are straight up in the air and my head on the ground. It would have been more funny if I didn't try and spend the next 10 minutes convincing everyone that it wasn't a result of me being drunk. Then out of nowhere that happened to Cassidy, too. And she's 16. And with her parents. And obviously not drinking. And was sitting in the same chair.
I was vindicated.

What I found when I went in for a snack....

Sunday morning I woke up with a migraine (actually, got it in the middle of the night and it had never gone away... cannot wait to see the neurologist! way tooooo many migraines and fibro pain lately) so we missed church but I spent the good part of Sunday cleaning and watching this.

migraine-schmigraine.... so cute.

Around 2pm I finally ate something and Sydney said "ooooh that looks good can I have one!!??" So we made gluten free waffle toasters with nutella and bananas on them.

Sunday evening we went to our neighbor's house for briskett. we had a surprise visit (surprise for me anyway) from the Eckerlings and baby Lily! I feel like such a stalker. But it's a baby.

I took a picture of everyone else so it wouldn't look like I was there just for the baby.

Okay, now back to Lily.
Look at that hair!!!!!

The happy family! Aren't they a gorgeous family!
This reminds me so much of Andy & I when we first had Sydney. We were the same age and everything was so new (not that long ago actually, but I wish I could go back!!!!): first home, new everything, new life together, new'lyweds, the dog ... the whole nine. They just remind me a lot of Andy & I when we were first starting out with Sydney. And it brings back SO many memories of having a child for the first time. BEING SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY, and feeling like "wow, I thought I was happy before... " never imagining I could be any happier, and then all of a sudden the two of you are holding this little thing, this human being you made together and BOOM, happiness just exploded into BLISS. And the next day is even better than the day before.
(sentiment is over... then you realize 6 months down the road "whoa... we've kept a human being alive for 6 months! forget happiness! we're actually responsible! sweet!")
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