Andy had the day off which was really nice. We snuggled, took a shower, had coffee together. Kelli slept a little later than usual but I was up before anyone anyway cleaning dishes etc. Andy & I disputed with what to do: go shopping or watch football. So we asked Sydney and she said neither... we should jump on Daddy all day.

Kelli played dress up. (I had to, she woke up today looking 'different'.. as in older? bigger? face was changing? couldn't put my finger on it so we had to do a photoshoot. Thanks for the tutu Jeannine! I'm going to get both girls in a photoshoot with them soon!)

Kelli stayed on her average schedule (wake up at 7:30 ish... nap at 9-:30 ish... wake up around noon and another nap around 2pm and wake up around 4pm and sleep at 7pm. However, she was fighting it tonight. She wanted to PLAY. Look at her devilish grin here. I had to chase her around the room!)

One of Andy's Christmas presents to Sydney. Silence. I mean; leggos. He gets her one for every birthday or Christmas and this year it was a firetruck set. The most complex yet. It doesn't hold her attention too long. (maybe because there are 193 steps???) but she does remain quiet (for the most part) which is key.

So does Andy. Which is key.

Pretty cool!

She did the wheels.
For about 20 minutes.

Then bathtime! These days there is NO bubbles or colors allowed in her bath. She is SO picky about her tub. Even when she washes herself with soap, she gets mad that the soap makes bubbles in her tub. Sheesh.

Don't forget to wash in between your piggies, Folks!! And goodnight!
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