First of all... poor Sydney. Since all this went down, she has been SO patient and understanding. Here she is patiently waiting for us to tend to Kelli so she can show us her new song. No complaints. And it was a cute song.

And here was poor Kelli. Who would be smiley and happy one minute... then very lethargic and sad the next minute. And note: in this photo, she was NOT crying! She just looked like that! Eyes swollen, congested, stuffy, fever etc. Now looking back, after the doctor told me how much pressure was building up inside her tiny head, this picture makes so much sense! When I saw her, it was a little scary. (it really looks like she was crying... but I swear she wasn't)

See? Every so often, she was totally fine. This was after a rough morning, trip to pediatrician, near dash to ER, then ENT. At this point she is on baby vicoden, so she was a little high. We were in and out of doctors all day. Didn't get out of the ENT until 5:30 and he had us on the books for surgery at 7am the next morning. (siiiiigh.... long day). The specialist said it was one of the worst he'd seen in a baby this young in a long time, so he didn't want her to be put off any longer, and pretty much rushed us into the procedure for clearing her ears out and getting the tubes in.

we were up at 5:30am... and Kelli barely nudged when we got her up, changed her diaper, got her in the car and drove to the surgery center. She slept the entire time.

Once we got a room, she woke up and perked up. Flirted with the nurses a little.

In this picture, there were about 3 nurses standing outside giggling and waving and laughing. A few older patients all wanted to get a little snippet of Kelli, too. Many (well, two) came over to our room to "say hi" to her and let her smile at them. She was happy to oblige. She cheered up alot of the staff and some patients this day.

We were missing Carlos & Pablo (the pink and purple silkies) but Frank was available to assist in her procedure. She came back completely out of it. I was warned that children coming out of anesthesia will sometimes be very violent, angry or hostile... so I got prepared. Nope... Kelli was gentle and just happy to see our faces. Very calm.

Loopy... but she was just her cute self. The doctor said he had to clean out A LOT of puss from both sides of her ears, so he was glad her got her in so soon and relieved her of this infection. We have to follow up with drops twice a day to help continue drainage. Otherwise, she should be back to her normal self.

She hadn't eaten since 9pm the night before, and they said she may not want anything. But she grabbed it from me & sucked it down like no one's business!

My nugget.
holy holy crap! She looks so miserable in the 2nd picture. I am so glad they got her in right away. thats awesome right there. good dr's. I hope it works!