I was having a rough go at it getting back into a routine after we returned from California. I don't know if it was just the dramatic events of traveling alone with both kids? Then suddenly hitting a flatline once we were home? Or the rainy weather? Anyway, I had a fibromyalgia flare up, kinda crampy, flu-like symptoms, but not the flu. But wanted to get back into some kind of routine so I forced myself into laundry, errands and playdates. Took the kids to Chuck E Cheese Friday.

As you can see, Sydney is really displeased with me about this.

I was happy to get her out of the house and rainy weather but I was still "off".

We met our friends there, so I got some adult interraction, which helped!

Sydney & her character-alike Lucas

Friday evening we had plans to go with my sisters to LC Rocks. This is what I have to do in order to get a shower. One of Kelli's favorite things to do now, is UNLOAD stuff. So I've made up several boxes with just random things in it and she just likes to unpack them and discover. Keeps her busy.

My sisters & I at LC Rocks. Took us some serious strategizing and stalking in order to get a table! But we did finally, then a bunch of people stood in front of us the entire time.

Lucky for us the band took their break at the table next to us! So we eventually got a good view!

Never get a normal picture of Andy at an LC Rocks concert.

Leather butt wedgie

See, far away picture... you may not have known what I was so smiley about. No really, I think I was laughing at Chris across the table.

The crazy Eyes.

The sweet, simple Eyes.

I'm noticing a common theme going on in these pictures!!! If only you could hear the music! Nothing but 80's rock ballards! The night would have been complete if we drove away in our t-top firebirds.

Me and Jenny Penny!

So, since my sisters & I are total groupies... there is a point at each LC concert that the husbands/boyfriends tend to get unimpressed. This was that time.

You know what picture we didn't get? The table behind us where the Austin Lesbian Couples Society had their "Meetup" get together and there were women in (seriously) men's suits dancing with other women and every type of lesbian couple you could imagine was there having a great time with this 80's band, so when Andy & I got up to dance, I thought it was funny to shove him into a dancing lesbian couple. Since... to be fair... there was a 50-something year old man dancing/having a siezure next to me making odd gestures. It was definitely a VARIETY of people there that night!

Lead singer of the band!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!
However, Matt had some Pirates of the Carribbean mustache going on? I wasn't impressed. He always has the guyliner on, but the mustache? That isn't 80's. That's a blonde pirate. I still love it when the fan blows his hair on stage while he's singing Every Rose Has It's Thorn.
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