Sunday morning we were supposed to join friends at a new church up at Westlake High School, as promised. But we couldn't get a hold of them and since I've been battling migraines & fibro flare ups, we didn't go to ANC either and just vegged inside all morning. Andy took Sydney out to break in her new soccer shoes, which she is completely stoked about! Soccer starts next weekend! I went and spied on them a little. It was really cute. You could tell she was trying hard to impress him.

Score! She is left footed!!!

Look how big she is! Makes me so sad. There is nothing toddler about my baby anymore. *sniff*

I am going to be one fearce soccer mom!!!

say soccer ball! "soccer balllllll!!!!"

See! totally left footed!!!!


After a nap, then jog on the treadmill and a shower... I forced myself out of the house and took Kelli to Coscto (and thought about Jeannine the entire time). My friend who starts each discussion with "Well, at Costco...."

Kelli's favorite thing to do is unload things (be it bags or boxes) so we've made little treasure boxes for her upstairs and downstairs for her to unpack and unload. It's her favorite thing to do and it keeps her busy.

She will see the same thing 100 times, but if you put it back in the box, she will look inside and take it out with her eyes wide open in amazement like its the most awesome thing ever.

I gave Sydney some Sweet Pea (bath & body works) hand sanitizer and body lotion for her "treasure box" and she lathered up while Kelli played with her stuff.

Then we all got ready to bounce from party to party. Next door was a surprise party for Sue and a few doors down was Molly's baby shower.

Kelli made the rounds while we waited for Bob to bring the surprise birthday lady home.

The house was pitch black, and she nearly jumped out of her skin when we turned the lights on and yelled SURPRIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!

Then I went home and put Kelli down for bed, took Andy the baby monitor next door and headed down the street to the baby shower. (dangit I didn't get ONE picture of Molly! She looked SO cute!!!!!!) But I got a picture of Kristina!!! Probably the last one of her pregnant too! They are inducing her Thursday if she doesn't go into labor by then!!!!!!!!! (squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!) She is already 2cm dilated. SO EXCITED!!

Alot of ladies there that night! It was nice to catch up with all of my neighbors! I had felt so disconnected! haha

See how much my husband loves me? This was part of my Christmas present. It's pretty uncomfortable, but he's going to try and get used to it. I actually feel a little bad. He isnt a HORRIBLE snorer, but I have terrible insomnia, so the snoring he does have, is enough to interrupt my sleeping pretty bad.

Oh and look! He went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and got some new curtains and hung them up! (he was busy this weekend!)

Also, one random of our morning. I look up and saw this while having my coffee and registering Kelli for her ENT appointment. She climbed and stood up BY HERSELF this morning.
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