After Kelli's nap (and prepping my delish NYE dips) I met my lady friends for lunch and Natural Planet (yum!) Mandy, Vicky & Carey (not shown, she booked to meet her inlaws at home) graced me with a little mid-afternoon sanity.

Kelli seemed to enjoy Mandy's lap alot.

At home Kelli played with her reflection in the mirror for a while as I continued to work on my dips (spicy corn dip, artichoke broccoli dip, black & white bean dip and chocolate covered strawberries)

I came back in to find she'd made her way UP the mirror.

Aaaaand back down.

Hokie football started at 6:30 but Sydney was only there in spirit. Yo Gabba Gabba was on downstairs, dontcha know!

Seth-pie came over early and helped decorate the gluten free, dairy free (used apple sauce in place of butter, turned out good!) low sugar chocolate cake! It was good!

Seth: "My brother Chase said that the world is going to end in 2012. But I said that only God knows when the world is going to end. Not Jesus though. Because He's just a baby"

I just needed to point this out because I think its seksi.

Chase tried on the XXXL jersey from Andy's mom for laughs. I said he could use it as a blanket if it got cold upstairs and he did.

9mo pregnant Kristina!!! (with baby Lily in tow... she's brave. I could never stay up this late when I was that pregnant! Go K!) and her husband Aaron... then Bob & Sue, Kristy & Ryan... aaaaaand Andy in the marroon. I didn't make into ONE picture all night. Naturally.

Ryan is making this face because the question is "THINGS you shouldn't forget" and the answer just read was "gay midget virginia tech football players in the movie goonies". Kristy's face: disbelief, can you say that again??? Ryan: that wasn't really an answer, you're making that up.

Sue is having a HARD time guessing who would have wrote that... but she started the midget war!!! "THINGS that make you uncomfortable: and her answer was midgets. so SHE started it!!!! since that answer, "midget" was in EVERY round!!!! HAHA seriously, what did Midgets ever do to us?

Little pink riding hood.... so cute. Only time each year she gets to stay up until midnight. She actually made it too. Her friend Kate came over (Kristy & Ryan's daughter, same age) and they played endlessly. They fought and made up ALL night. Emotional rollercoaster!

Round 6, this game was getting fun. Things your ideal made would do. Some answers: Shop, make the bed, midget, whisper sweet nothings in my ear, twitter my facebook. (i kill myself!)

This morning wrapped up one week being grounded from her two favorite Santa presents. The ONLY two things she asked for this year. But first she had to give a report on what it means to be a good sister. Her conclusion after this long week of punishment: no pushing, kicking, yelling, wrestling or licking. (I pushed for more) And sharing.
We didn't hear from Sydney for over an hour, but to hear some banging of the hammer and a random "muy buen!" from Handy Manny.
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