We got in Thursday night but Lindsay & Aidan were already asleep, so the next morning when the kids and I woke up (at 5:30 am PCT haha!) we watched some toons until we heard the little goings-ons upstairs to which Sydney quickly went up to greet. I was still at the bottom of the stairs when I heard a sleepy, first morning voice "Hiiii Sydney!" and "oh Lindsay!" and as I got up there I noticed they didn't waste any time re-getting to know each other.

This little man puts on a tough facade, but with a little work I can get those dimples to pop out. I thought the morning ritual was funny... both kids handed off their "lovies" to Jeannine to bring downstairs. Aidan had 4 dogs and Lindsay had all of her Backyardigans and both of their blankies. It was funny seeing Jeannine carry Aidan and all 4,509 lovies.

Sydney & Lindsay took turns 'reading' books to eachother. They made up stories, which was funny. I listened in on Sydney's and part of her story went like this "and then they went to their uncle's house and he had bacon and it was their favorite thing to eat & so they ate bacon..." (I wonder what she was thinking about? Uncle Gus?)

Kelli went down for a nap. She had a LONG nap, which was good, since she didn't have a successful first night here. Her ears were giving her so much pain after the two legs into Sacramento. She had to endure TWO lift-offs and TWO descents all within 5 hours, and that was really hard on her. She was inconsolable for a good 15 minutes but finally passed out. The entire night was very restless for her though, up and down, whiny and squirmy. I didn't sleep much either.

This was funny. I heard a knocking noise and saw it coming from the hall closet. I opened it. Aidan is just sitting in the hall closet (door closed) playing with his "beep beeps". Alone. But he was happy!

He introduced me to ALLLLLLL of his beep beeps by name.

Lindsay & Sydney played some My Little Ponies videos on the computer. I think Sydney was just proud to show her one of HER things since Lindsay was letting Sydney play with all of her toys. They have really played SO nice the entire time, except for a few "she wont play with me" incidents (interpretation: lindsay won't do what Sydney tells her to do). But they make up and go about it another way which is really impressive!

On our way to sign up for gymnastics and have lunch in our cool van!

Aidan giving me "tough guy" facade again.

Pink lemonade? Grapefruit juice? No.
Sydney made herself a yummy concoction of ketsup water. And DRANK IT. So gross. I figure her punishment for playing with her food was having to drink her disgusting invention, but she actually liked it. Go figure.

Turned out to be kinda drizzly & cold outside and we didn't want to take the kids to the park in that (especially Kelli, with her ears), so we headed to the store & I picked up some gluten free stuff and went home. Jeannine said she was afraid we were bored and I'm like whaaaaat? No! And just then... the most amazing random thing ever happened.

So many things I question about this. Documentary? If so, why in THIS field? It's yucky and being prepped for home construction and right in front of a neighborhood and so close to MANY other GREAT country/farm fields!? If not a documentary/photoshoot.... then a pet? And if so, is that backpack where he picks up the rabbits, cats & dogs that gigantor bird KILLS and eats for dinner?? And why is he taking that bird into Jeannine's neighborhood?

The girls could care less we didn't go to the park! The played dress-up for hours while the littler ones took naps.

I think I mentioned this before: But Sydney will hopefully work on her smile before her real wedding day, huh?

I might have to get Kelli piano lessons someday. She LOVES piano toys. Jeannine got this one out of the garage for her and she had alot of fun with it.
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