Monday, December 5, 2011

Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!

A lot is happening on this merry night!!  The girls danced to Christmas music (see the blur), Sydney lost her second tooth, the 2 large trees were decorated and Carlos the Elf AND the tooth fairy make their ways back to the Eye home.

Sydney and Kelli created a parade with the Princess fleece blanket.

Since Mommy's arm is still broken,  Uncle Aaron helped drag Her Majesy in from outside.

Midst the chaos... Sydney asked me to pull her second tooth.

Like my hair?  Kelli was so enthralled in the emotion of the moment that she grabbed a paper towel, put it inside her mouth and began chanting "look mom. i lost my tooth! look!".
Not being the center of attention is outside of Kelli's comfort zone.

Love her!
That's $10 in ONE weekend.  She is saving her tooth money to buy a cool souvenier at Disneyworld.

The big tree!!

Kelli was having trouble getting ornaments to stay on the tree.  She kept saying "I can't dooooooo it Mom"  But kept trying.

I whipped out the tinsel... and she found herself useful!

Very useful.

I love this picture!!

The girls in their matching PJs picking ornaments.

Not sure why this picture is in the middle of all this.   This was Kelli ready for church the next day.
I took it because she looked cute.... now back to the night before...

There was one section of the tree that had PILES of tinsel and ornaments.  Looked like a drunk elf just puked on that one part of the tree.

Kelli took a bath.  And during a span of time Mommy wasn't in there, she got a hold of the bath water dye tablets.  And dumped ALL of them in the tub.  (I swear.  She isnt that dirty)

Our house is ready for Santa!!!!!!!!!

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