Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Our first little whipper-snapper to get up. Daddy was up bright and early signing cards for his little girls. Kelli destroyed hers.

Sydney got her goodie bag of bubbles, books & lip balm.

I love it! I got a couple hand-made ones too!

Andy was so cute. He went out and picked out special little things for all us girls.

After I took Kelli for a jog, we all got ready and went for a family lunch at Tarka.


nom nom nom!!!

chicken tikka masala is probably one of Sydney's favorite things on earth (next to m&ms)

Afterwards we walked the trails around Sunset Valley

She HAS to be the leader

Sydney took her camera with her to take some photos of flowers.
There were not many flowers around (a lot of brown grass and trees though)
She used her imagination.

Andy said these pictures look "creepy".
I think they're sweet.
What does he know.

It's a bridge.
photo op.
Why is it that every time you pass a bridge you're like "oh wait. stop. take a picture! we're on a bridge!"... why? what is so special about a bridge that you have to have a picture of you standing next to it. Like you're old settlers traveling to California in the Gold Rush and you see a bridge and think "By George!! A Bridge!!! we made it!"
I don't know.

I like it.

This NEVER happens.
off course some 17 year old kid blaring his Lil Wayne with all his windows open had to drive by and wake her up. (on his way to Barnes & Noble probably)

Sydney loves these things. Don't know the names of these. But we all had to make a Valentines Day Wish.

I'm a bit wind-blown but we got 1/2 a smile out of Kelli!

On our way home we passed a ton of homeless people. Sydney handed out two of her "goodie bags" that we prepare (clean socks, water bottles, granola bars, candy etc). She was super happy to roll her window down but actually said to one "I have this for you because I knew you were a homeless guy because you got that sign" and he said "God loves you sweetie. I appreciate it".
It was cute. The ALL had dogs. (noted. will include dog treats in the goodie bags now!)

Got a new membership on the way home. We like the YMCA, but this place is ridiculous.
Andy was sold on the raquetball courts. It's SO much bigger & tons more to do. So out with the YMCA and "in" with the Lifetime.

My mom brought over cakes for us (one for andy and one gluten free for syd and I) and I cut out crown and heart shapes for her as a treat.

She doesn't exactly look happy to be eating cake does she?
Well, she was getting better from the flu, acting totally fine. Now her ears hurt (I grabbed this picture just as she was about to say "my ears are hurting now Mommy"). So the flu is gone, but now ear infection has invaded. Calling the doctor AGAIN. I don't think Sydney has ever had an ear infection, to be honest! Kelli was my first experience with ear infections. Sydney may have had one WAY back in the day but never treated. So I know this has to be an infection. She's never complained about pain in her ears.
I have a MAJOR test on Tuesday and MUST study all day tomorrow.
Please Lord, bless my Mother with good health and strong bones in the morning to help me!!!!
I love my mom!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic I say - a pictures say a thousand words...your blog probably speaks millions then! the next time you go out woith your family, check out this new karaoke competition called cabbie-oke - fun for your kid and an Xbox for yourself! LOL.. More details are here
