Monday, May 11, 2009


I decided that I am going to take a walk every night until I go into labor. Not to 'induce' labor, but because last night I took a walk by myself (with Dagny) and went about 1.5 miles and it felt so great! My hips hurt and it feels like I'm carrying a bowling ball between my legs, but the feeling of actually moving around more was a good therapy I think.

Lately (like this past month) I have gotten more heavier and more achey, therefore my activity level decreased significantly: no more gym, no more long walks on town lake, definitely no running etc. But the pain just got worse and I think it's because I was alot more dormant.

The downfall is that I got heavy cramps last night and I think it's because I speed-walked to keep up with the dog and may have over done it. (sad... walking is "overdoing it").

I dont remember getting those kinds of cramps with Sydney, especially this late in pregnancy. It feels like "woman cramps", but so much more painful. Last night they lasted for about 2 hours, so not too bad... but I WAS asleep and they woke up me. Jerks.

I bet it means I'm just progressing a little, but I still have the instinct that it's going to be another 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. nope, i think its closer than 2!
    walking is awesome!

    love ya.
